Membership Community

Join a collaborative space where people can share their healing journeys, FIND Wellness, share their gifts, and cultivate their passions. This dynamic space creates an inclusive environment where you can truly feel part of a community.

Membership benefits

Gratitude Chat

The quickest way to feel better is to share gratitude. Here you can share your gratitude and celebrate others who share theirs.

community space

A safe, inclusive space where you can post what you are working on and connect with others.

additional benefits

Newsletter and Private uplifting communities and chats.

first chance opportunities

Where you can pre-register for upcoming Energy Healing Practitioner Apprenticeship (Reiki Master Teacher Certification Program).

Origin Story

When my grandmother would ask me to get ready for church, I’d often moan in frustration, asking: “Do I have to go?” And she would look at me, confused that I didn’t share her excitement. As a very spiritual person, she dedicated much of her free time to health, wellness and esoteric studies, which I didn’t see other people in her church doing. And trying my best to make the most pitiful face, she said something that would fundamentally change my entire belief system. She said: “I don’t go to church for someone to teach me. I can do that on my own. I go there because my Mama went to church and my Mama’s Mama went to church. I go there to be with My People.”

 Though I am not religious, I am a lover of folklore and went on to pursue a degree in Religious Studies and Psychology. I also trained in various Wellness and Esoteric practices. And in all those spaces I noticed that we all need others along our journey to encourage and support us as we encourage and support them. Even though we have different goals, dreams, and concerns, it is my intention to create a space where you can truly be welcomed as you heal, expand and live out your dreams. Each program addresses various stages of life, from deep soul healing to chasing dreams and creating impact. This is an uninterrupted space where you can spread your wings and fly. And I am so grateful that you choose this space to share your gifts, talents, and passions.

Membership tiers

My People

Free membership that includes a supportive interactive space.


Mystic + Body

Sunday healing group sessions, yearly 52 week goal setting program and a library of mystical resources. Mind, body and energy healing programs.

$22.22 monthly / $222.22 yearly

Mystic + Body Alternative Sign Up

  1. If you are having issues signing up directly on the app ( you can use this method below.

  2. Sign up HERE.

  3. Complete sign up on PayPal.

  4. An Access message will be sent to the email address associated with your PayPal account (or whichever email you used, if you signed up on PayPal as a “guest”). Follow the email to access the Membership.

  5. If you have any issues email me (Jet) at

  6. Cancel at anytime.